You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown was performed March 10-13, 2011 at the Ivy Tech John Waldron Auditorium. The play was directed by Sheila Butler. The dancing was choreographed by Callie Rekas. In February of

You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown was performed March 10-13, 2011 at the Ivy Tech John Waldron Auditorium. The play was directed by Sheila Butler. The dancing was choreographed by Callie Rekas.
In February of 2013, the cast reunited to travel to Disney World in Orlando, Florida to perform at the National Performing Arts Festival.
Here are some posts from MCCT’s social media accounts:
“BON VOYAGE and BREAK A LEG to the Monroe County Civic Theater’s traveling company of YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN, as they make their way to Disney World for the National Performing Arts Festival!!!”
“You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown group had an amazing showing at the National Performing Arts Festival in Orlando this weekend. MCCT is extremely proud of Hadley Abram, Cameron Butler, Caitlyn Diekhoff, Alaina Martinez, Devin May, Callie Rekas, Matt Wiedenbener. Cameron got best Male vocalist, Caitlyn got best Female Vocalist and got to sing on Disney stage, Caitlyn and Callie got best Duet, individual rewards for Snoopy (Cameron), Sally (Alaina) and Lucy (Caitlyn). The team performed Snoopy on the Disney stage. Way to go, so glad you represented our theater so well.”

Special thanks to Callie Rekas for photos: