Farndale Macbeth kicks off our 2019 Mainstage Shows!

Our first spring show this year is a lively and hilarious farce by David McGillivray and Walter Zerlin Jr. – “The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society’s production of Macbeth!” Our director for

Our first spring show this year is a lively and hilarious farce by David McGillivray and Walter Zerlin Jr. – “The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society’s production of Macbeth!”

Our director for this adventure is Bill Goveia. The incredible cast that includes:

Mr. Peach, the critic – Steve Scott
Henry, stage manager (Lady Macbeth) – Martin Cusato
Plummer, the producer – Dan Heise
Mrs. Reece (Lady Macduff, Doctor) – Becky Stapf
Thelma (Macbeth, Ross) – Jennifer Whitaker
Minnie (Banquo, Macduff’s Child) – Nancie Eagan
Dawn (1st Witch, Porter, 2nd Murderer, Duncan) – Maryann Iaria
Felicity (2nd Witch, Seyton, 1st Murderer, Malcolm, Gentlewoman) – Rebecca DeLong
Kate (3rd Witch, Macduff, Messenger) – Sarah Mae Ruggles
Gwynneth (Fleance, Voices) – Dianne Shewmaker

Here’s a photo gallery of the show:

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