Monroe County Civic Theatre is excited to announce auditions for Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike. ABOUT THE SHOW Vanya and Sonia share a lovely family home in Bucks County, PA where they bicker
Monroe County Civic Theatre is excited to announce auditions for Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike.
Vanya and Sonia share a lovely family home in Bucks County, PA where they bicker and complain about the circumstances of their lives. Suddenly, their rich movie-star sister, Masha, swoops in with her new boy toy, Spike. Also, present are sassy maid Cassandra, and the lovely aspiring actress, Nina. The group is launched into a weekend of one-upmanship and exposed nerves in this absurd comedy that will tickle your funny bone while stimulating your mind.
Auditions will be held from 7:00-9:00 PM on Tuesday, January 9th at the Monroe County Public Library in room 1C. You may choose to perform a monologue or read from these pre-selected sides any time during that two hour time-frame. Possible callbacks on Thursday, January 11th to be worked out with auditonees.
Please email Kenny Hertling (Director) at if you have any questions about the show or would like to read the script prior to auditions.
Save time and fill out this audition info form ahead of time!